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Bot Master Sender uses token-based authentication to secure API requests. Every request must include your authToken to be processed successfully.

Getting Your Auth Token

  1. Log in to your Bot Master Sender account
  2. Navigate to the API Settings section
  3. Generate or copy your existing auth token

Using Your Auth Token

Include your auth token in every API request using one of these methods:

GET Request


POST Requests

For URL-encoded:

--data-urlencode 'authToken=YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'


    "authToken": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"

For Form Data:

--form 'authToken="YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"'

Security Best Practices

  1. Keep it Secret: Never share your auth token or commit it to version control
  2. Regular Rotation: Rotate your auth token periodically
  3. Secure Storage: Store the token in environment variables or secure vaults
  4. HTTPS Only: Always use HTTPS for API requests
  5. Monitor Usage: Regularly check your API logs for unauthorized usage

Token Expiration

  • Tokens are valid until manually revoked
  • You can generate a new token at any time
  • Old tokens are automatically invalidated when new ones are generated

Rate Limiting

To protect our service and ensure fair usage:

  • Basic Plan: 100 requests per minute
  • Standard Plan: 500 requests per minute
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom limits available

Error Responses

If authentication fails, you'll receive:

    "status": "error",
    "code": "AUTH_ERROR",
    "message": "Invalid or expired auth token"

Released under the MIT License.